The general objective of the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management (MBA) is to train specialized professionals in the field of business management and administration at a higher level of command panels in the business field. In this sense, the postgraduate training proposed here has a double aspect: On the one hand, it is aimed at equipping students with the general and specific competences necessary for individual professional improvement and for the entire business organization in that you join. On the other hand, it seeks to promote the professional's ethical sense and social responsibility in their daily activities, in the context of their own citizenship.
Information about the language of the different courses 22-23
Following both objectives, the program is designed to provide quality postgraduate training in the business world, in order to meet the needs of the knowledge society and complementing the skills and abilities acquired in undergraduate education. This program also arises as a response to the growing training needs detected in the managerial segments of the business world, being designed to offer a natural continuity to the current degree studies at the Spanish university, for graduates in Business Administration and Management, Business, Economics, Research and Market Techniques, Labor Sciences, Engineering, Legal Sciences, Architecture, Tourism, Social Graduate, Labor Relations, among others.