
Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Teaching Staff


María José Roca Hernández



Domínguez Alcoba, Javier Augusto

Domínguez Alcoba, Javier Augusto

Architecture and Building Technology

Arquitectura y Tecnología de la Edificación

javier.dominguez@upct.es 868071245 968325945


SPECIALTY IN SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Martínez Lorente, Ángel Rafael

Martínez Lorente, Ángel Rafael

Business Economics

Economía de la Empresa

angel.martinez@upct.es 968325618 968325572


ADVANCED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA)
QUALITY MANEGEMENT IN EIT Máster Universitario en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas e Instituciones Turísticas - Plan 2024
PREVENTION MANAGEMENT AND RELATED TECNNIQUES Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH IN EIT PROBLEMS Máster Universitario en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas e Instituciones Turísticas - Plan 2024
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

Monday - 12:00 / 13:00 EDIFICIO CIM - ETSAE, Floor 3, Office Decanato

Miguel Hernández, Beatriz

Miguel Hernández, Beatriz

Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Ingeniería Química y Ambiental


SPECIALTY IN INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Moreno Grau, Stella

Moreno Grau, Stella

Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Ingeniería Química y Ambiental


PREVENTION MANAGEMENT AND RELATED TECNNIQUES Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Núñez Pérez, Domingo José

Núñez Pérez, Domingo José

Quantitative Methods, Legal Sciences and Modern Languages

Métodos Cuantitativos, Ciencias Jurídicas y Lenguas Modernas


LABOUR LAW Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
PREVENTION MANAGEMENT AND RELATED TECNNIQUES Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
LEGAL REGIME OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Ojados González, Dolores

Ojados González, Dolores

Structures, Construction and Graphic Expression

Estructuras, Construcción y Expresión Gráfica


SAFETY AT WORK SUPPLEMENT Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SPECIALTY IN SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
PREVENTION MANAGEMENT AND RELATED TECNNIQUES Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Pérez Navarro, Julián

Pérez Navarro, Julián

Architecture and Building Technology

Arquitectura y Tecnología de la Edificación


SPECIALTY IN SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Roca Hernández, María José

Roca Hernández, María José

Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Ingeniería Química y Ambiental

mjose.roca@upct.es 968338972


INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE SUPPLEMENT Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SPECIALTY IN INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SAFETY AT WORK SUPPLEMENT Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SPECIALTY IN SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
ERGONOMICS AND PSYCHOSOCIOLOGY Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
FUNDAMENTALS AND LEGAL REGIME FOR THE PREVENTION OF LABOR RISKS Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
PREVENTION MANAGEMENT AND RELATED TECNNIQUES Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
WORK MEDICINE SUPPLEMENT Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
SPECIALTY IN ERGONOMICS AND PSYCHOSOCIOLOGY Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Sánchez Medrano, Rafael

Sánchez Medrano, Rafael

Mining and Civil Engineering

Ingeniería Minera y Civil


SPECIALTY IN SAFETY AT WORK Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Office Hours

Tuesday - 16:00 / 17:00 EDIFICIO DE LA ETSINO Y LA EICM, Floor 2, Office Desapcho nº 23
Tuesday - 19:00 / 20:00 EDIFICIO DE LA ETSINO Y LA EICM, Floor 2, Office Despacho nº 23
Thursday - 18:00 / 19:00 EDIFICIO DE LA ETSINO Y LA EICM, Floor 2, Office Desapcho nº 23