
Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Teaching Staff


Ángel Rafael Martínez Lorente



Andreu Martí, María Del Mar

Andreu Martí, María Del Mar

Quantitative Methods, Legal Sciences and Modern Languages

Métodos Cuantitativos, Ciencias Jurídicas y Lenguas Modernas


TOURISM SECTOR PROTECTION Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2018
LEGAL REGIME OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
COMPANY PRIVATE LAW Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
COMMERCIAL LAW Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Arcas Lario, Narciso

Arcas Lario, Narciso

Business Economics

Economía de la Empresa


COOPERATIVES AND NON-PROFIT ENTITIES Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
FOUNDATIONS OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

Tuesday - 09:00 / 11:00 EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, Floor 0, Office 1.8 Enviar un correo a arcas.lario@upct.es para concertar la tutoría
Wednesday - 09:00 / 11:00 EDIFICIO DE ETSI AGRONÓMICA, Floor 0, Office 1.8 Enviar un correo a arcas.lario@upct.es para concertar la tutoría

Badillo Amador, María Lourdes

Badillo Amador, María Lourdes

Economics, Accounting and Finance

Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas


TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN THE REGION OF MURCIA Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2018
SPANISH ECONOMY Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
FOUNDATIONS OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Badillo Amador, Rosa María

Badillo Amador, Rosa María

Economics, Accounting and Finance

Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas


COOPERATIVES AND NON-PROFIT ENTITIES Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
ECONOMETRICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management - Plan 2024
INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2024

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Briones Peñalver, Antonio Juan

Briones Peñalver, Antonio Juan

Business Economics

Economía de la Empresa

aj.briones@upct.es 968325943


STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
CREATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

Monday - 10:30 / 12:30 EDIFICIO CIM - FCCE, Floor 1, Office 2.30 Se recomienda enviar correo electrónico previo

Escuín Ibáñez, Irene

Escuín Ibáñez, Irene

Quantitative Methods, Legal Sciences and Modern Languages

Métodos Cuantitativos, Ciencias Jurídicas y Lenguas Modernas


TOURISM SECTOR PROTECTION Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2018
LEGAL REGIME OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
COMPANY PRIVATE LAW Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
LEGAL INSTRUMENTS FOR THE TOURISM INDUSTRY RESEARCH Máster Universitario en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas e Instituciones Turísticas - Plan 2024
COMMERCIAL LAW Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

Monday - 10:30 / 12:30 EDIFICIO CIM - ETSAE, Floor 1, Office IT2 Se recomienda enviar correo electrónico previo

Gijón Martínez, Ramón Antonio

Gijón Martínez, Ramón Antonio

Economics, Accounting and Finance

Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas

ramon.gijon@upct.es 868071043 968325612


GUIDANCE ON ENTREPRENEURIAL PROJECTS AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT Inter-university Master's degree in Labor Intermediation and Guidance
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE IN ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management - Plan 2024
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2024
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Hernández Aguado, Simón

Hernández Aguado, Simón

Business Economics

Economía de la Empresa


STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
BUSINESS ECONOMY Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2024
BUSINESS ECONOMY Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management - Plan 2024
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN ENTITIES OF THE SOCIOLOGICAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Hernández Gómez, Elena

Hernández Gómez, Elena

Business Economics

Economía de la Empresa


STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
CREATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


López Pérez, Víctor

López Pérez, Víctor

Economics, Accounting and Finance

Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas


MONETARY ECONOMICS AND BANKING Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
FOUNDATIONS OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Marco Gil, María Del Carmen

Marco Gil, María Del Carmen

Economics, Accounting and Finance

Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas


COOPERATIVES AND NON-PROFIT ENTITIES Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management - Plan 2024
MARKETS AND BUSINESS DECISIONS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2024
MICROECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Martínez León, Inocencia María

Martínez León, Inocencia María

Business Economics

Economía de la Empresa


BUSINESS ECONOMY II Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
BUSINESS ECONOMY Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2024
BUSINESS ECONOMY Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management - Plan 2024
BUSINESS ORGANIZATION Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA)
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Núñez Pérez, Domingo José

Núñez Pérez, Domingo José

Quantitative Methods, Legal Sciences and Modern Languages

Métodos Cuantitativos, Ciencias Jurídicas y Lenguas Modernas


LABOUR LAW Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
PREVENTION MANAGEMENT AND RELATED TECNNIQUES Inter-university Master's degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
LEGAL REGIME OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.

Pastor Del Pino, María Del Carmen

Pastor Del Pino, María Del Carmen

Quantitative Methods, Legal Sciences and Modern Languages

Métodos Cuantitativos, Ciencias Jurídicas y Lenguas Modernas


TAX LIQUIDATION AND PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
TAX LAW Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
PUBLIC LAW Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2018
LEGAL REGIME OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
BUSINESS TAXATION Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA)
LEGAL INSTRUMENTS FOR THE TOURISM INDUSTRY RESEARCH Máster Universitario en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas e Instituciones Turísticas - Plan 2024

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Ramón Llorens, María Del Camino

Ramón Llorens, María Del Camino

Economics, Accounting and Finance

Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas


ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE IN ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
THE MATHEMATICS OF FINANCIAL OPERATIONS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management - Plan 2024
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA)
THE MATHEMATICS OF FINANCIAL OPERATIONS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

Wednesday - 10:00 / 12:00 EDIFICIO CIM - FCCE, Floor 1, Office FCE Para quedar en un horario diferente mandar un correo electrónico: camino.ramon@upct.es

Sánchez Casado, Noelia

Sánchez Casado, Noelia

Business Economics

Economía de la Empresa


HARVESTING AND CUSTOMER LOYALTY IN THE EIT Máster Universitario en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas e Instituciones Turísticas - Plan 2024
DESING AND MARKETING OF TOURISM PRODUCTS Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2018
COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT OF ENTITIES OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

Tuesday - 12:00 / 14:00 EDIFICIO CIM - FCCE, Floor 2, Office 2.24 Para concertar tutorías es aconsejable contactar previamente a través del correo electrónico.

Sánchez Vidal, María Eugenia

Sánchez Vidal, María Eugenia

Business Economics

Economía de la Empresa


HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Plan 2018
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN ENTITIES OF THE SOCIOLOGICAL ECONOMY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

Friday - 09:00 / 12:00 EDIFICIO CIM - FCCE, Floor 2, Office Despacho 2.25

Segado Segado, Ignacio

Segado Segado, Ignacio

Economics, Accounting and Finance

Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas

ignacio.segado@upct.es 968325614 968325686


ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.


Economics, Accounting and Finance

Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas


COOPERATIVES AND NON-PROFIT ENTITIES Master's degree in Management of Social Economy Entities (Online)
ECONOMETRICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
MACROECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management
MICROECONOMICS Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management

Office Hours

The teacher has not indicated his tutoring schedule.