Code: 520104011
Type: Elective
Length of subject: Per term
Semester and course: 4th Year - First term
Language: English
Mode of study: On-site class
Lecturer data: ARTAL TUR, ANDRÉS
Knowledge area: Economía Aplicada
Department: Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas
Telephone: 968325647
Office hours and location:
jueves - 10:30 / 12:30
EDIFICIO CIM - FCCE, planta 2, Despacho 2P37
Se recomienda enviar correo electrónico previo
Academic rank in UPCT: Catedrático de Universidad
Number of five-year periods: 4
Number of six-year periods: 3 de investigación y 1 de transferencia
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
Responsible for the groups: G1
Knowledge area: Economía Aplicada
Department: Economía, Contabilidad y Finanzas
Telephone: 968325602
Office hours and location:
Academic rank in UPCT: Profesora Contratada Doctora
Number of five-year periods: 4
Number of six-year periods: 1 de investigación
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
[CB5 ]. Students are required to show they have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
[CG1 ]. To search, collect, manage and prepare technical reports on tourism in the economic environment.
[CE11 ]. To identify and manage tourist spaces and destinations.
[CT3 ]. Learning in an autonomous way
1. Acceder a los recursos disponibles para ampliar de forma autónoma el conocimiento sobre el sector turístico de la Región de Murcia (RM).
2. Buscar, recopilar, manejar y elaborar informes técnicos sobre el turismo en la RM.
3. Identificar la realidad del sector turístico en la Región de Murcia.
4. Describir los principales productos turísticos de la RM.
5. Identificar las claves para la sostenibilidad socio-económica del turismo en la RM.
6. Inferir algunas recomendaciones y estrategias para la mejora del sector turístico en la RM.
Herramientas de gestión y planificación turística. Panorama del turismo en la Región de Murcia (RM). Principales fuentes estadísticas del turismo en la RM. Coyuntura del turismo en la RM. Webs de Instituciones oficiales, principales datos aportados, conexiones con la estadística nacional y europea en turismo. Análisis de los principales productos y destinos turísticos en la RM. Ciclo de vida del destino. Destino Turístico Inteligente. Sostenibilidad turística en la RM, dimensión socioeconómica, papel de la cultura, indicadores.
DUT 1: Tourism perspectives in the Region of Murcia (RM)
Chapter 1. Theoretical framework for tourism analysis
Chapter 2. Tourism outlook for the RM
DUT 2: Products and Destinations in the RM
Chapter 3: Theory of Tourism Area Life Destination Cycle (Richard Butler)
Chapter 4: Products and Destination management in the RM: An overview
DUT 3: Socio-Economic Tourism Sustainability
Chapter 5: Socio-Economic Tourism Sustainability: Theory and applications for the RM
DU P1: Applications for the management of tourism in the RM
Chapter 6. Data & Statistical sources for the study of tourism in the RM, and connections with Spanish and EU sources: INE-Turespaña-Eurostat. Chapter 7. Tourism outlook for the RM: Practical methods: ITREM-MurciaTurística. Chapter 8: Culture, Tourism and Social sustainability: Case study for the RM.
Promoting the continuous improvement of working and study conditions of the entire university community is one the basic principles and goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Such commitment to prevention and the responsibilities arising from it concern all realms of the university: governing bodies, management team, teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and students. The UPCT Service of Occupational Hazards (Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la UPCT) has published a "Risk Prevention Manual for new students" (Manual de acogida al estudiante en materia de prevención de riesgos), which may be downloaded from the e-learning platform ("Aula Virtual"), with instructions and recommendations on how to act properly, from the point of view of prevention (safety, ergonomics, etc.), when developing any type of activity at the University. You will also find recommendations on how to proceed in an emergency or if an incident occurs. Particularly when carrying out training practices in laboratories, workshops or field work, you must follow all your teacher's instructions, because he/she is the person responsible for your safety and health during practice performance. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and do not put your safety or that of your classmates at risk.
See the contents of the syllabus above
Class in conventional classroom: theory, problems, case studies, seminars, etc
The theory classes will follow the magistral lesson type from the professor in charge.
Competences: All competences, but CT3
Learning outcomes (LO): All
The student will have to present in a single or team fashion the main findings of the Report developed in the practical side of the subject.
Competences: all
Includes 2 professional Seminars for students along the semester
Learning outcomes: these depend on the topic of the practical task developed by the student.
Class in a computer classroom: practical classes / internships
The computer sessions will help the students to employ ICTs tools to follow the subject, and related statistics sources at regional, national and EU levels.
Competences: all.
Learning outcomes: All but RA3
Assessment activities (continuous assessment system)
Assessments (continuous assessment system): writing tests, presentations, individually or in groups, which should include the knowledge acquired in the classes. Includes all competences and learning outcomes in the Course Guide.
Assessment activities (final assessment system)
Official Exams, either from Continuous Evaluation or/and Final Exam type.
Competences: All
Learning outcomes (LO): All
The professor will have express time to receive the personal consults of the students.
Competences: all, although these will depend on the student's query.
Learning outcomes: all, although these will depend on the student's query.
In particular:
Competences: All.
Learning outcomes: All
Student work: study or individual or group work
The student will count on enough time to complete the practical tasks included in the syllabus of the subject .
Competences: All.
Learning outcomes: All
Time devoted to students to prepare the tasks from Practical Didactic Units and study for the exam.
Competences: all.
Learning outcomes: all.
Evaluation of assignments / reports / studies
In this part we will evaluate the Report outcome linked to the Practical part of the subject under the guidance of the professors.
This part of the evaluative assignments will also evaluate CB5, CG1, CE11, and CT3, and the learning outcomes related to the topic developed by the student.
Evaluation criteria: Formal aspects (10%), content and structure (80%), bibliography and use of information (10%)
and the learning outcomes related to the topic developed by the student: RA1, RA2, RA6 and other depending on the topic chosen by the student
55 %
Evaluation of practical activities
This part will not be evaluated
0 %
Individual or group presentation of assignments given
Presentation and discussion of the Reports individually or in groups
This part of the evaluative assignments will also evaluate CB5 & CT3. y learning outcomes RA2 plus other that could be related to the topic chosen by the student
Evaluation: 90% presentation + 10% discussion in class
15 %
Individual final test
This part of the evaluative assignments will also evaluate CB5, CE11,
In addition, it evaluates the learning outcomes RA2, RA3, RA4, RA5
The format of the exam will be test-type, with contents including all in the syllabus.
30 %
Evaluation of assignments / reports / studies
In this part we will evaluate the Report outcome linked to the Practical part of the subject under the guidance of the professors.
This part of the evaluative assignments will also evaluate CB5, CG1, CE11, and CT3, and the learning outcomes related to the topic developed by the student.
Evaluation criteria: Formal aspects (10%), content and structure (80%), bibliography and use of information (10%)
and the learning outcomes related to the topic developed by the student: RA1, RA2, RA6 and other depending on the topic chosen by the student
55 %
Individual or group presentation of assignments given
Presentation and discussion of the Reports individually or in groups
This part of the evaluative assignments will also evaluate CB5 & CT3. y learning outcomes RA2 plus other that could be related to the topic chosen by the student
Evaluation: 90% presentation + 10% discussion in class
15 %
Individual final test
This part of the evaluative assignments will also evaluate CB5, CE11,
In addition, it evaluates the learning outcomes RA2, RA3, RA4, RA5
The format of the exam will be test-type, with contents including all in the syllabus.
30 %
Warning: The student that decides to participate in any given activity of the final exam (EF) is formally renouncing (giving up) to the previously obtained mark in that activity.
Author: Eurostat- Manuals and Guidelines
Title: Methodological manual for tourism statistics
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: Open Source Document
Author: Economic & Social Affairs- Open Source Document
Title: International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics
Editorial: United Nations
Publication Date: 2008
Author: Butler, R.
Title: Managing Tourism: A Missing Element?
Editorial: Pasos- Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, Vol. 20(2), 255-263.
Publication Date: 2022
Author: Costa Cálida - Región de Murcia
Title: Plan Estratégico de Turismo - Región de Murcia 2022 - 2032
Editorial: CARM
Publication Date: 2022
Author: Costa Cálida - Región de Murcia
Title: Resumen Cifras Turismo - Región de Murcia 2021 (Boletín informativo)
Publication Date: 2022
Author: Eurostat
Title: Eurostat Regional Yearbook
Publication Date: 2021
Author: Eurostat
Title: Regional Tourism Statistics.
Editorial: Eurostat
Publication Date: 2022
Author: Hwang, L.
Title: Butler¿s Tourism Area Life Cycle and Its Expansion to the Creative Economy. In Lowry, L. L. (Ed.) SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism, pp. 202-208. Thousand Oaks, USA: SAGE Publishers
Editorial: SAGE
Publication Date: 2017
Author: ICE- Información Comercial Española, Vol. 93
Title: Turismo Sostenible: Un debate abierto todavía a la discusión
Editorial: Ministerio de Comercio de España
Publication Date: 2017
Author: INE- Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Title: Hotels: Occupancy Survey, price index and profitability indicators (Encuesta de Ocupación Hotelera)
Editorial: INE- Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Publication Date: 2022
Author: INE- Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Title: Tourist Expenditure Survey. Egatur (Encuesta de Gasto Turístico)
Editorial: INE-
Publication Date: 2022
Author: INE
Title: Tourist Movement on Borders Survey, Frontur
Editorial: INE-
Publication Date:
Author: Romao, J.
Title: Tourism, Territory and Sustainable Development. Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Applications in Japan and Europe
Editorial: New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives Series, Vol. 28
Publication Date: 2018
Author: Shaadi-Rodríguez, R. M. A., Shaadi-Rodríguez, L. S., Pulido-Fernández, J. I., & Rodríguez-Herrera, I. M.
Title: Tourism Research in Iberoamerica: Urban Destinations, Sustainable Approaches and New Products
Editorial: Routledge.
Publication Date: 2021
Author: Durrer, V., Miller, T., & O¿Brien, D. (Eds.)
Title: The Routledge Handbook of Global Cultural Policy
Editorial: Routledge
Publication Date: 2018
Author: Hall, M., & Müller, D. K.
Title: The Routledge Handbook of Second Home Tourism and Mobilities
Editorial: Routledge
Publication Date: 2018
Author: Romao, J
Title: Peter Nijkamp of the Move: Crossing Borders between Regional Science and Tourism Studies. In Suzuki, S. & Patuelli, R. (2021). A Broad View of Regional Science. Essays in Honor of Peter Nijkamp.
Editorial: New Frontiers in Regional Science Series, Vol. 47. Springer
Publication Date: 2021
Author: Romao, J., Okada, M., Machino, K. & Nijkamp, P.
Title: Destination Management and Sustainable Tourism Development through the Common Lens of the Commons
Editorial: Region Vol. 8 (1), 75-95.
Publication Date: 2021
Author: Sauer, T., Elsen, S & Garzillo, C.
Title: Cities in Transition: Social innovation for Europe¿s Urban Sustainability
Editorial: Earth Scan Series- Routledge
Publication Date: 2016
These will be indicated along the course by the professors in charge and would available at Aula Virtual of the subject