Code: 520103006
Type: Compulsory
Length of subject: Yearly
Semester and course: 3rd Year - Yearly
Language: English
Mode of study: On-site class
Knowledge area: Filología Inglesa
Department: Métodos Cuantitativos, Ciencias Jurídicas y Lenguas Modernas
Telephone: 968325310 - 868071032
Office hours and location:
lunes - 10:00 / 11:00
ANTIGONES, planta 1, Despacho Secretaría dirección
Concertar cita previa:
Academic rank in UPCT: Profesora Contratada Doctora
Number of five-year periods: 2
Number of six-year periods: 2 de investigación
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
Responsible for the groups: G1
[CB4 ]. Students are required to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized audience.
[CG8 ]. To communicate in a foreign language.
[CE17 ]. To work in English in the tourism field.
[CT1 ]. Spoken and written effective communication
1. Demostrar los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos para desarrollar las competencias lingüísticas descritas en el nivel B2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas Extranjeras.
2. Utilizar la lengua inglesa en los diferentes ámbitos profesionales relacionados con el entorno turístico a nivel avanzado
3. Emplear destrezas comunicativas profesionales tales como: resolver dudas generales y sobre destinos de mercado, hacer sugerencias o recomendaciones, negociar, escribir correos electrónicos y hablar en público a nivel avanzado.
4. Manejar el vocabulario especializado y las funciones del lenguaje asociadas del ámbito del turismo a nivel avanzado.
5. Practicar las destrezas lingüísticas por medio de estudios de casos que reflejen los problemas y retos de la industria turística actual a nivel avanzado.
Adquisición y desarrollo de las competencias presentadas en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación (nivel B2). Se utilizará la lengua inglesa en los diferentes ámbitos profesionales relacionados con el contexto turístico a nivel avanzado. Se pondrán de manifiesto los conocimientos previos adquiridos y se ampliarán dentro del entorno profesional requerido. Así mismo, se mejorarán las destrezas orales y escritas en lengua inglesa dentro del contexto del turismo.
Entry test
Unit 1
What is tourism?
Unit 2
What's your kind of tourism?
Unit 3
Hospitality research
Unit 4
Carreers in tourism and hospitality
Unit 5
Tourism marketing
Unit 6
The business of events tourism
Unit 7
The business of fun
Unit 8
Hospitality marketing
Unit 9
Tourism and culture
Unit 10
Managing people and money
Unit 11
External influences
Unit 12
Information, strategy and change
All the units
All the units are associated to the practice of the language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, in addition to the interaction between speakers.
All the units
Practical exercises for vocabulary learning
All the units
Pronunciation practice
Promoting the continuous improvement of working and study conditions of the entire university community is one the basic principles and goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Such commitment to prevention and the responsibilities arising from it concern all realms of the university: governing bodies, management team, teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and students. The UPCT Service of Occupational Hazards (Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la UPCT) has published a "Risk Prevention Manual for new students" (Manual de acogida al estudiante en materia de prevención de riesgos), which may be downloaded from the e-learning platform ("Aula Virtual"), with instructions and recommendations on how to act properly, from the point of view of prevention (safety, ergonomics, etc.), when developing any type of activity at the University. You will also find recommendations on how to proceed in an emergency or if an incident occurs. Particularly when carrying out training practices in laboratories, workshops or field work, you must follow all your teacher's instructions, because he/she is the person responsible for your safety and health during practice performance. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and do not put your safety or that of your classmates at risk.
Class in conventional classroom: theory, problems, case studies, seminars, etc
Presentation of the theoretical contents, allowing for the development of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences to achieve the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
Presentation of individual assignments and exercises, allowing for the development of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences to achieve the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
Class in the field or open classroom: practical classes
Practical sessions on all language skills.
Assessment activities (continuous assessment system)
Mid- and final term activities that check the progression of students allowing for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
Assessment activities (final assessment system)
Taking the corresponding official exams allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
Teaching by example and supplying the information to complete particular tasks, allowing for the development of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences to achieve the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
Student work: study or individual or group work
Preparation of individual assignments and exercises, allowing for the development of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences to achieve the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
Self-study and preparation of individual assignments and exercises, allowing for the development of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences to achieve the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
Evaluation of assignments / reports / studies
Evaluation of the oral activities practised in class: oral presentation or role play in pairs or small groups. This allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
5 %
Evaluation of practical activities
Evaluation of the activities included in a portfolio. This allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
5 %
Individual or group presentation of assignments given
Evaluation of an oral presentation. This allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
10 %
Individual final test
Evaluation of two mid-term exams (40% each) on the skills (speaking, listening, writing & use of English) which will be practised, progressing from simpler linguistic forms to more complex ones. This allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
80 %
Evaluation of assignments / reports / studies
Evaluation of the oral activities practised in class: oral presentation or role play in pairs or small groups. This allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
5 %
Evaluation of practical activities
Evaluation of the activities included in a portfolio. This allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
5 %
Individual or group presentation of assignments given
Evaluation of an oral presentation. This allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
10 %
Individual final test
Evaluation of skills (speaking, listening, writing & use of English) focusing on either simpler or more complex linguistic forms corresponding to both mid-term exams (40% each). This allows for the assessment of CB4, CG8, CE17 and CT1 competences and check the learning outcomes from 1 to 5.
80 %
A score of 3 out of ten is required in the assessment activities whose weight in the final score is equal to or higher than 20%.
Para optar a superar la asignatura, se exige que el estudiante obtenga una calificación mínima de hasta 4 puntos sobre 10 para actividades de evaluación o partes de las mismas que tengan un peso en la calificación final superior o igual al 30%, y de hasta 3 puntos sobre 10 para actividades de evaluación o partes de las mismas que tengan un peso en la calificación final superior o igual al 20%.
Author: Mol, Hans
Title: English for tourism and hospitality in higher education studies course book
Editorial: Garnet
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 9781859649428
Author: Barbara Thomas & Louise Hashemi
Title: Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate
Editorial: Cambridge
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 139780521533362
Author: Swan, Michael
Title: Practical english usage
Editorial: University Press
Publication Date: 2009
ISBN: 0194420981