Code: 510103004
Type: Compulsory
Length of subject: Per term
Semester and course: 3rd Year - First term
Language: English
Mode of study: On-site class
Knowledge area: Organización de Empresas
Department: Economía de la Empresa
Telephone: 968325616
Office hours and location:
martes - 09:00 / 11:00
EDIFICIO CIM - FCCE, planta 2, Despacho 2.26
Tutorials will by carried out by request of the student sending a mail to
PhD in Economy and Business Management from Technical University of Cartagena (SPAIN) - 2011
Academic rank in UPCT: Profesora Titular de Universidad
Number of five-year periods: 2
Number of six-year periods: 1 de investigación
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
Knowledge area: Organización de Empresas
Department: Economía de la Empresa
Telephone: 968325788
Office hours and location:
martes - 10:30 / 12:30
EDIFICIO CIM - ETSAE, planta 2, Despacho IT2
Se recomienda enviar correo electrónico previo
Academic rank in UPCT: Catedrático de Universidad
Number of five-year periods: 4
Number of six-year periods: 3 de investigación y 1 de transferencia
Curriculum Vitae: Full Profile
[CB2 ]. Students are required to be able to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional manner, and to possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
[CG4 ]. To plan, organize, decide and control the different areas of business management, applying advanced strategic management systems.
[CE23 ]. To use the managerial function and manage the strategic process of the organization.
[CT5 ]. Putting the acquired knowledge into practice
1. Lead organizations
2. Use the strategic planning process and develop it in organizations
3. Examine competitive environments to make decisions
4. Present the skills and aptitudes of a manager of an organization
5. Propose solutions to business competitiveness problems
6. Establish a balanced scorecard in an organization
7. Propose a "Strategic Plan" and generate organizational knowledge
Fundamentos de la Dirección Estratégica: Introducción a la estrategia. La misión y los objetivos de la empresa. Análisis Estratégico: Análisis del entorno. Análisis de los competidores y mercados. Análisis de los recursos y capacidades estratégicos. La Elección Estratégica: Análisis y diagnóstico estratégico. Búsqueda de posibilidades estratégicas. Implantación de la Estrategia: Tecnología y estrategia. Sistemas de planificación y control estratégico.
Teaching Unit I. Introduction to the general analysis of strategic management.
1.1.- The concept of Strategic Management.
1.2.- The process of Strategic Management.
1.3.- Company orientation.
1.4.- Mission y Vision.
1.5.- Strategic objetives.
Teaching Unit II. -Study of the competitiveness of the company.
2.1.- Analysis of the general environment: The environment¿s strategic profile.
2.2.- Industrial Districts.
2.3.- Analysis of the competitive environment: Limitations of the five-forces model.
2.4.- Industry segmentation: Strategic gropus.
2.5.- Porter¿s diamond model.
3.1.- Internal diagnosis: functional and strategic analysis.
3.2.- The Value Chain.
3.3.- Analysis of resources and capabilities.
3.4.- Introduction Management of Intangibles.
3.4.- SWOT and CAME analysis.
4.1.- Concept of competitive advantage.
4.2.- Creation of competitive advantages.
4.3.- Other models of competitive strategy:Business Model, The Strategy Clock Blue Ocean Strategy.
4.4.- Technology and business strategy.
4.5.- Competitive strategies based on technology.
Teaching Unit III.- Study of competitive strategy in the company.
UNIT 5 (U5) The Directions For Strategic Development.
5.1.- Porter¿s Generic Strategies.
5.2.- Expansion Strategy.
5.3.- Development Strategies: Diversification and Integration.
5.4.- Methods of development. Alliances and Cooperation between firms.
5.5. Sustainability strategies: corporate social responsibility, circular economy.
6.1.- The multinational firm.
6.2.- Global competition: determinant factors and strategies.
6.3.- Entry strategies for international markets.
6.4.- Managing a multinational firm.
7.1.- The process of evaluating and selecting strategies.
7.2.- Strategy implementation.
7.3.- Organisational Culture.
7.4.- Strategic planning.
7.5.- Strategic control.
Teaching Unit I. Introduction to the general analysis of strategic management.
INTRODUCTION TO THE STRATEGIC PROCESS, THE THEORY AND THE CASES: Make an introduction to know the importance of the strategic process. ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENTS: Analyze the main characteristics of different competitive environments. STUDY OF THE INDUSTRIAL SECTORS. APPLICATION TO A SECTOR: Analyze an industrial sector according to its type and degree of diversification. 5 PORTER COMPETITIVE FORCES: Identify a sector of activity and proceed to apply the model. ANALYSIS OF THE VALUE CHAIN: establish the value chains existing in a specific activity.
Teaching Unit II. -Study of the competitiveness of the company.
PORTFOLIO BUSINESS ANALYSIS: conduct a strategic analysis and diagnosis of the business lines of a business group. COMPETITIVENESS VERSUS PRODUCTIVITY: Shows the student the conceptual differences and their application. TECHNOLOGY AND COMPETITIVENESS: correct management of innovation. INNOVATION: analysis of innovation classes. DIAGNOSIS OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL INTENSITY OF COMPANIES: Study the degree of technology in the sector and its application to a company
Didactic Unit III.- Study of competitive strategy in the company.
GENERIC BUSINESS STRATEGIES: Practical application of the most appropriate strategy for each proposed scenario. PLANNING AND STRATEGIC CONTROL: Design an adequate planning and control process.
Promoting the continuous improvement of working and study conditions of the entire university community is one the basic principles and goals of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Such commitment to prevention and the responsibilities arising from it concern all realms of the university: governing bodies, management team, teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and students. The UPCT Service of Occupational Hazards (Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la UPCT) has published a "Risk Prevention Manual for new students" (Manual de acogida al estudiante en materia de prevención de riesgos), which may be downloaded from the e-learning platform ("Aula Virtual"), with instructions and recommendations on how to act properly, from the point of view of prevention (safety, ergonomics, etc.), when developing any type of activity at the University. You will also find recommendations on how to proceed in an emergency or if an incident occurs. Particularly when carrying out training practices in laboratories, workshops or field work, you must follow all your teacher's instructions, because he/she is the person responsible for your safety and health during practice performance. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and do not put your safety or that of your classmates at risk.
Class in conventional classroom: theory, problems, case studies, seminars, etc
Presentation of concepts, explanation of content
Practical and problem classes (in traditional classroom, computer classroom, laboratory, etc.)
Class in the field or open classroom (technical visits, lectures, etc.). In general, activities that require special resources or planning
Laboratory or field practice class
Specific content on complementary topics.
Class in a computer classroom: practical classes / internships
Practical class in the computer room
Assessment activities (continuous assessment system)
Formative and summative evaluation activities.
Assessment activities (final assessment system)
Assessments (final assessment system)
Tutoring and direction activities.
Student work: study or individual or group work
Autonomous work of students (study, preparation of assignments and reports, etc.)
Individual study: Time dedicated to studying the subject
Self-evaluation and / or co-evaluation systems
Evaluation of the individual activities. Principally, the ability to apply knowledge to practice and the ability to analyse are evaluated. Students must obtain a minimum of 3 points out of 10.
Evaluated learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
The evaluation activities in which students obtain a mark equal to or greater than the minimum required will not have to be done again for the final evaluation unless the student voluntarily renounces the mark obtained in the continuous evaluation.
10 %
Presentation and defence of assignments
Presentation and defence of practices and cases.
Evaluated learning outcomes: 4.
10 %
Spoken or written exams
Exam of the contents of the subject.
To take into account evaluative activity, a minimum mark of up to 4 points out of 10 is required in the evaluative activity that corresponds to the final evaluation system. The evaluation activity in which the student obtains a mark equal to or greater than the minimum required will not have to be done again in the final evaluation unless the student voluntarily renounces the mark obtained in the continuous evaluation.
Evaluated learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The exam will consist of answering a certain number of multiple-choice questions with four options and only one answer is correct. For every three questions answered incorrectly, a correctly answered question will be subtracted and the penalty will be applied proportionally, taking into account all the incorrect answers.
50 %
Participation and involvement in the teaching-learning process
Active participation in the development of the unit
0 %
Evaluation of assignments and reports on practical sessions (final product, follow-up and contribution in the case of group work)
Evaluation of the individual activities. Principally, the ability to apply knowledge to practice and the ability to analyse are evaluated. Students must obtain a minimum of 3 points out of 10.
Evaluated learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
The evaluation activities in which students obtain a mark equal to or greater than the minimum required will not have to be done again for the final evaluation unless the student voluntarily renounces the mark obtained in the continuous evaluation.
30 %
Self-evaluation and / or co-evaluation systems
In the presentation and defence of practices and cases, professors will indicate the questions that students should attend.
Evaluated learning outcomes: 2 and 5.
5 %
Presentation and defence of assignments
Presentation and defence of practices and cases.
Evaluated learning outcomes: 4.
5 %
Spoken or written exams
Exam of the contents of the subject.
To take into account evaluative activity, a minimum mark of up to 4 points out of 10 is required in the evaluative activity that corresponds to the final evaluation system. The evaluation activity in which the student obtains a mark equal to or greater than the minimum required will not have to be done again in the final evaluation unless the student voluntarily renounces the mark obtained in the continuous evaluation.
Evaluated learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The exam will consist of answering a certain number of multiple-choice questions with four options and only one answer is correct. For every three questions answered incorrectly, a correctly answered question will be subtracted and the penalty will be applied proportionally, taking into account all the incorrect answers.
60 %
Evaluation of assignments and reports on practical sessions (final product, follow-up and contribution in the case of group work)
Evaluation of the individual activities.
30 %
To pass the course it will be necessary to get a mark equal to or greater than 5 out of 10 points in the following areas.
Students who have not been able to participate in the continuous assessment system, will have to develop, in addition to the final exam, a practical exercise similar to the cases and readings carried out during the course. In this way, the practical part of the subject is compensated in the final grade (40%).
Author: Cegarra Navarro, Juan Gabriel
Title: Estrategias de empresa
Editorial: Diego Marín
Publication Date: 2011
ISBN: 9788484259237
Author: Jarillo, José-Carlos
Title: Dirección estratégica
Editorial: McGraw-Hill
Publication Date: 2000
ISBN: 8476159064
Author: Navas López, José Emilio
Title: Fundamentos de dirección estratégica de la empresa
Editorial: Aranzadi
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN: 9788491358008
Author: Bueno Campos, Eduardo
Title: Dirección estratégica: nuevas perspectivas teóricas
Editorial: Pirámide,
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN: 8436820134
Author: Johnson, Gerry
Title: Dirección estratégica
Editorial: Pearson
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN: 8420546186
Author: Navas López, José Emilio
Title: La dirección estratégica de la empresa: teoría y aplicaciones
Editorial: Civitas
Publication Date: 2001
ISBN: 8447011208
Author: Navas López, José Emilio
Title: Fundamentals of strategic management
Editorial: Civitas
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN: 9788447042944
Author: Navas López, José Emilio
Title: La dirección estratégica de la empresa teoría y aplicaciones
Editorial: Civitas
Publication Date: 2004
ISBN: 8447018636
Author: Bueno Campos, Eduardo
Title: Dirección estratégica de la empresa: metodología, técnicas y casos
Editorial: Pirámide
Publication Date: 1996
ISBN: 8436809289
Author: Guerras Martín, Luis Angel
Title: La dirección estratégica de la empresa teoría y aplicaciones
Editorial: Civitas
Publication Date: 2016
ISBN: 9788447053001
Author: David, Fred R.
Title: Strategic management: a competitive advantage approach, concepts and cases: a competitive advantage approach
Editorial: Pearson
Publication Date: 2017
ISBN: 9781292148496
Author: Whittington, Richard
Title: Exploring strategy text and cases
Editorial: Pearson
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN: 9781292282459
Author: Navas López, José Emilio, ,
Title: Casos de dirección estratégica de la empresa
Editorial: Civitas
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 9788447048960
Author: Briones Peñalver, Antonio Juan, García Pérez de Lema, Domingo
Title: Factores de dirección estratégica de los agronegocios en Costa Rica y la Región de Murcia
Editorial: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 9788469281352
Author: García Pérez de Lema, Domingo
Title: El emprendedor innovador y la creacion de emprededor
Editorial: UPCT
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 9788496997578
Author: Jiménez Quintero, José A.
Title: Dirección estratégica y viabilidad de empresas
Editorial: Pirámide
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN: 8436819942
Author: Munuera Alemán, José Luis
Title: Casos de éxito de las empresas murcianas
Editorial: ESIC
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 9788473566704